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     About Us

Treat Yourself Jewellery was started in 2004 by myself, Karen Merritt and Nicolette Barry. We have a passion for beads and are completely self taught honing our skills by attending some jewellery courses to learn new techniques such as chain maille and beading. I've also been on pmc and silversmithing courses and have even had a go at making glass beads.

Initially we were only making for ourselves, then friends and after about a year we took the plunge and began having a stall at local events and school fetes. Now we still attend these type of events, having a stall on a regular basis at a local community market each month. We also do house parties, the Hanborough Show each year, and various other events we get invited to.

It is very gratifying that people like our creations and that we now have some loyal customers, gaining commissions for special events including a wedding, making coordinating jewellery for the bride and her five bridesmaids.

Recently we have started teaching our own classes to pass on the beading bug and the skills needed to make your own stunning pieces. If you think you may like to try your hand, then please contact us for details.

We hope you like what you see and if you'd like to purchase anything please get in touch.We only tend to make one off pieces so can't promise that an item in our gallery will still be available.

 If you live in the Oxford area come along and see us. To find out where we will be check the dates on the calendar tab or drop us a line through the contact page.

©CompanyName 2008-2009 All human and animal rights carefully reserved and preserved.

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